Mohan Bhagwat: The chief of R.S.S.

Ashish Ashatkar


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A name deeply ingrained in the collective memory of India is Mohanrao Madhukarrao Bhagwat, a figurehead in the country's multifarious political and social fabric. As the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)'s Sarsanghchalak (Chief) since 2009, Bhagwat has exerted considerable influence and drawn praise and criticism for his actions. This blog will demystify the mystery surrounding Mohan Bhagwat and take you on a trip to understand the man behind the title. 

Early Life and Education of Mohan Bhagwat

On September 11, 1950, in Chandrapur, Maharashtra, Mohan Bhagwat was born. His early years were characterized by an Indian-traditional upbringing. Bhagwat was raised in a family that valued cultural pride and patriotism, hence his road towards the RSS started at a young age.

He has a wide range of educational experience. Though he has a degree in veterinary sciences, he felt that something else was his true calling. He was drawn to the subtleties of the RSS philosophy and became deeply involved in its operations.

RSS: A Brief Overview

It is important to comprehend the organization that Mohan Bhagwat heads before going into more detail about his life and his position within the RSS.

Mohan Bhagwat,chief of R.S.S.,rss mohan bhagwat, mohan bhagwat rss, mohan bhagwat birthday, mohan bhagwat age, mohan bhagwat hd pic, mohan bhagwat biography

The right-wing, Hindu nationalist Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, or RSS, is a volunteer organization. The RSS was established in 1925 by Keshav Baliram Hedgewar with the intention of advancing Hindutva principles and instilling a sense of patriotism in its adherents. The group works via a network of shakhas, or branches, all over India. There, conversations on a range of subjects are held in addition to physical activities and character development. 

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which is now in power in India, is intimately associated with the RSS, which has been a part of the country's sociopolitical landscape for almost a century.

Mohan Bhagwat's Journey Within the RSS

Bhagwat first became involved with the RSS when he was in school. He took an active part in the RSS shakhas in Chandrapur, where he internalized the fundamental beliefs and ideals of the group. Ultimately, his devotion to the RSS way of life prompted him to abandon his veterinary studies and further explore the Sangh community.

Bhagwat's ascent through the ranks of the RSS was nothing short of spectacular over time. By taking on a variety of roles and gaining the respect of his fellow Sangh members, he ascended the organizational ladder gradually. His commitment to the objective of the RSS and his aptitude for building relationships with individuals from a variety of backgrounds were key factors in forming his leadership style within the company. 

Bhagwat's Leadership Style

It's common to characterize Mohan Bhagwat as a cool-headed and practical leader. Throughout his term as Sarsanghchalak, he has placed a strong focus on outreach, modernization, and organizational discipline. The RSS has strived to stay loyal to its ideological foundation while broadening its influence and reach under his direction.

Making the RSS more media-savvy has been one of his major efforts. Understanding the value of public opinion, Bhagwat has made a concerted effort to enhance the RSS's reputation. This is different from the company's custom of being low-key and behind-the-scenes.

Additionally, he has been receptive to conversations and exchanges of ideas with a broad spectrum of people, including Muslims, which has been seen as a step in the right direction toward inclusivity. Bhagwat maintains that these initiatives are a sincere endeavor to heal societal divisions, despite detractors' claims that their main goal is to improve the organization's reputation.

Ideological Stance of Mohan Bhagwat

The fundamental beliefs of the RSS have been underlined during Mohan Bhagwat's leadership. Hindutva, which propagates the notion of India as a Hindu nation, is a philosophy that the RSS ardently supports. This worldview has generated debate and criticism, especially from those who support an inclusive and secular India.

The RSS's "One Nation, One Culture" philosophy, which calls for the unification of Indian society under a single cultural identity, has been frequently articulated by Bhagwat. Concerns over the inclusion of India's many cultures and religions are raised by this idea.

Under Bhagwat's direction, the RSS has been a steadfast advocate for the building of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya on the contested site. This position stems from the conviction that the temple stands for the restoration of India's ancient legacy.

Social Initiatives

The RSS, led by Mohan Bhagwat, has started a number of social projects with the goal of improving society. These projects include setting up blood donation drives, providing aid after natural catastrophes, and encouraging the provision of healthcare and education in rural areas.

Many people have praised the group for how it responded to natural calamities, such as the 2018 Kerala floods. Volunteers from RSS were essential to the relief and rescue operations. The organization's reputation has improved and it has gained some favor as a result of these humanitarian efforts. 

Criticisms and Controversies

The RSS and Mohan Bhagwat have had their fair share of controversy and criticism. The organization's interpretation of Hindutva, which some view as dividing and exclusive, has encountered criticism from a number of sources. Critics contend that the notion of a secular India is harmed by the RSS's influence over the BJP's decisions and policies.

A further contentious issue that has surrounded Bhagwat is his remarks regarding reservations in India. He said in 2015 that the reservation policy ought to be reviewed. Many people were incensed by these comments because they perceived them as an assault on the rights of underrepresented groups. 

The RSS has come under fire and condemnation for its alleged involvement in violent crimes, particularly those committed against religious minorities. The RSS has been charged with inciting religious intolerance and bloodshed in India, despite its denials of any involvement. 

Legacy and Future

The legacy of Mohan Bhagwat in the RSS is still up for discussion. While some regard him as a pragmatist leader who has successfully steered the RSS into more mainstream politics, others regard him as the guardian of an ideology at variance with the secular and varied nature of India.

The RSS is faced with both chances and problems as he continues to manage the organization. The Indian political scene has been greatly influenced by the RSS, and this influence is expected to continue in the years to come. Only time will tell if it maintains its position as a dominant force or changes to reflect the shifting socio-political landscape. 


Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh's mysterious leader, Mohan Bhagwat, is a figurehead who straddles the divide between dogma and pragmatism, tradition and modernity. His ascent from a small Maharashtra village to the top of Indian politics is evidence of his commitment and aptitude for planning.

Notwithstanding the ongoing controversy and debate surrounding Bhagwat and the RSS, their prominence in the Indian socio-political environment cannot be denied. Gaining insight into the individual who inspired the title can assist in illuminating the intricacies of Indian politics, society, and the continuous search for self within this multicultural and ever-evolving country.


Who is the RSS chief?

  • Mohanrao Madhukarrao Bhagwat, is the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) head at the moment.

Where does Mohan Bhagwat live?

  • Mohan Bhagwat is mostly lives in Nagpur, Maharashtra, India, at the headquarters of the RSS. The RSS chief's principal home and location of employment is the RSS headquarters, also known as the "Reshimbagh." However, for security concerns, precise home details are usually not made public.

Who was the 4th chief of RSS?

  • Balasaheb Deoras was the fourth chief of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). From 1973 to 1994, he was the organization's chief, steering it through a pivotal moment in its history and contributing significantly to its expansion and advancement. 

Where is RSS headquarters?

  • The headquarters of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) is located in Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.

Is BJP part of RSS?

  • Although there is a significant ideological and historical bond between the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the two parties are not officially affiliated. The RSS is the origin of many BJP leaders and members, and the BJP has benefited from the intellectual and organizational support of the RSS. The two groups frequently cooperate in India's political sphere and have similar nationalist and Hindu-centric ideologies. They do, nevertheless, continue to have distinct legal and organizational identities.

Was Atal Bihari Vajpayee in RSS?

  • Yes, during his formative years, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, a well-known Indian politician and former prime minister of India, briefly became involved with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). In his youth, he joined the RSS, but he later joined the Bharatiya Jana Sangh, which shared strong ideological links with the RSS and was the forerunner of the Bharatiya Janata Party, or BJP. Vajpayee's political career developed within the larger context of groups connected to the RSS. 

Is Modi a member of RSS?

Yes, Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, has a long-standing association with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). He was an RSS pracharak (campaigner) in his early years and has remained ideologically aligned with the RSS throughout his political career. 

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