Jagadish Chandra Bose: Pioneer of Wireless Communications and Plant Physiology

Ashish Ashatkar

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Throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Jagadish Chandra Bose was a multifaceted scholar who made a lasting impact on science and technology. This blog delves further into the life, accomplishments, and background of physicist Jagadish Chandra Bose, whose work encompassed everything from plant study to wireless communications.

Early Life and Education:

Jagadish Chandra Bose, who was born in Mymensingh (now in Bangladesh) on November 30, 1858, developed a passion for research as a child. Bose was trained as a physicist and started his career in England and India. In 1895, he was the first to demonstrate wireless communication, which paved the way for Marconi's invention. 

Wireless Communication and Radio Waves:

The wireless communications experiments conducted by J.C. Bose were groundbreaking. His contributions included the creation of the adaptor, a tool for picking up sporadic radio transmissions, and the first wireless telegraph correspondence. Bose successfully transmitted electromagnetic waves over short distances in 1896 to demonstrate the feasibility of wireless communication.

Bose has made major contributions to wireless communications and radio waves that are acknowledged globally. However, due to lack of patent protection and financial limitations, Bose's groundbreaking work was frequently overlooked. However, there is no denying its ability to pioneer wireless technologies.

Plant Physiology and Crescograph:

Bose was a pioneer in plant physiology in addition to his contributions to technology. With the publication of his invention, the Crescograph, in 1901, Bose was able to conduct hitherto unheard-of precise studies on plant development and reactions to different stimuli. Bose's tests shown that plants react to outside stimuli in a manner similar to that of animal tissues.

Bose can measure plant growth and have a better understanding of the plant's process with the help of the Crescograph. Their results disproved conventional wisdom and established the groundwork for upcoming plant biology studies. Bose is regarded as one of the forerunners in plant electrophysiology today.

Jagadish Chandra Bose Inventions

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Jagadish Chandra Bose was a trailblazing scientist who made a number of well-known discoveries that profoundly affected science. Among his notable innovations are:


One of Bose's most notable inventions, the Crescograph, was created in 1901. With the aid of a device known as the Crescograph, Bose is able to follow and measure cell growth with remarkable accuracy. It measures and views small plants using clockwork gears and arms attached to a cigarette glass.


Bose's creation of the "metal-mercury-metal coupler" played a major role in the early development of wireless communications. An device that receives electromagnetic radiation and finds weak radio waves is called a collider. Prior to Guglielmo Marconi's work on wireless communications, Bose studied everyday individuals.

Microwave Components:

The fundamental components of contemporary communications networks were developed as a result of Bose's contributions to the domains of microwave and millimeter wave optics. microwave transmission system. His research laid the groundwork for advancements in microwave technology and applications. 

Metals Sensitive to Electric Current:

Bose investigated a variety of metals' electric current resistance patterns. His research on the electrical conductivity and electromagnetic properties of metals aids in our understanding of these materials and their behavior under different circumstances. 

Radio wave research:

Bose experimented with millimeter waves and radio waves. In addition to creating short-range radio transmissions that could pass through walls, he also laid the groundwork for later developments in wireless communications.

Wireless Communication Demonstration:

In 1895, Jagadish Chandra Bose demonstrated the use of radio waves for communication. He employed radio waves to sound a far-off warning during one of the earliest open demonstrations of wireless communication in Calcutta.

Plant Physiology Research:

Bose's research on plant physiology using the Crescograph was notable, albeit not always "innovative". According to their research, plants react to a range of stimuli, compete with the environment, and promote the growth of other plants.

Legacy and Recognition:

Even with the difficulties and lack of appreciation he had during his life, Jagadish Chandra Bose's influence endures. Future scientific advancements were made possible by his contributions to plant physiology and wireless communications. Its longevity is attested to by the Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics in Kolkata, India.

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, or IEEE, finally honored Bose for his groundbreaking work in 2019 and acknowledged his contribution to wireless communications. As a legacy to its founder, the Bose Institute in Calcutta still funds scientific research.

Bose's impact extended beyond science; his enthusiasm for fusing research and education has been the greatest for the following generation of scientists. Bose bridges were developed with events and technology that are still important in the modern social science world.


Jagadish Chandra Bose's life story offers an interdisciplinary view of science. In addition to revolutionizing scientific knowledge at the time, his contributions to plant physiology and wireless communications still serve as an inspiration to researchers today. When we consider Bosch's life and contributions, we see that he was a real pioneer whose concentration on experimentation and intellectual curiosity produced amazing outcomes for the advancement of science.


Who was Jagadish Chandra Bose?

The multitalented Indian scientist Jagadish Chandra Bose (1858–1937) is renowned for his groundbreaking work in plant physiology and wireless communication in the late 19th and early 20th century.

What is Jagadish Chandra Bose famous for?

Bose is well known for his important contributions to science, especially in the areas of plant physiology and wireless communication, where he created the Crescograph to investigate plant growth and demonstrated the transmission of radio waves, respectively.

What is the Crescograph, and how did Bose use it in his research?

J.C. Bose invented the Crescograph, a device that made it possible to track plant growth and reaction to stimuli precisely. Bose utilized it to investigate the physiology of plants and showed that their tissues responded similarly to those of animal tissues.

What were Jagadish Chandra Bose's contributions to wireless communication?

Prior to Marconi, Bose was the first to demonstrate wireless communication in 1895. He successfully transmitted electromagnetic waves and created a coherer, a radio wave detector, which laid the groundwork for later advancements in wireless technology.

Did Jagadish Chandra Bose receive recognition for his work in wireless communication?

Although Bose's contributions to wireless communication were recognized on a global scale, he had difficulties in his lifetime getting the attention he deserved. 2019 saw the IEEE posthumously commemorate his pioneering work and his contribution to the area.

What is the Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics in Kolkata, and how is it associated with Bose?

Jagadish Chandra Bose's memorial is located in Kolkata, India, at the Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics. It continues his legacy by promoting scientific inquiry and instruction in the domains of electronics and radio physics.

How did Jagadish Chandra Bose impact plant physiology?

Bose's research with the Crescograph showed that plants react to outside stimuli similarly to mammalian tissues. Their research paved the way for later studies in plant electrophysiology and refuted accepted notions in plant biology.

What problems did Jagadish Chandra Bose face in his research work?

Due to his lack of patent protection and financial difficulties, Bose's original work was not well-known. He overcame these obstacles to carry out innovative research and make a significant contribution to science.

Why is Jagadish Chandra Bose considered a sage?

Bosch's multidisciplinary understanding, encompassing physics, biology, and technology, contributes to its reputation as an all-arounder. His success is largely due to his capacity to close the gap between these domains.

How long did Jagadish Chandra Bose's influence on science last?

The visionary legacy of Bose has been accomplished. His contributions to plant physiology and wireless communications not only advanced scientific knowledge during his lifetime, but they also serve as an example of the interplay between nature and technology for interdisciplinary researchers today. 

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